
A mobile word puzzle game in Malay

About Aturkata

About Aturkata

Aturkata is a word puzzle game in Malay (Bahasa Melayu) developed for mobile platforms, Android (7.0 and up) and iOS (coming soon).

The puzzles is not unlike the game 7 Little Words, designed by Christopher York (published by Blue Ox Family Games, Inc.), where in each puzzle, players will be presented with a bunch of word parts which must then assembled to become seven legible words that each correspond to different given hints. Aturkata presents a little twist to it, where, apart from the obvious Malay language, there is only a single hint given. The answers to this hint do not necessarily have the same meaning, but can be expected to be closely related. If players are stuck, there are Token Bantuan (Help Tokens) that they can use to help them make the guesses.

Aturkata is freemium, in that players can opt to purchase in-app items to expand the game. Apart for the free initial 2 puzzle packs of 20 puzzles each and 10 help tokens, additional puzzle packs and tokens are available to be purchased in-game.

I chose Malay Language as the driver for this project due to scarcity of games in Bahasa Melayu. Although the game may not have the eyeballs due to being a niche product (and marketing ineptitude of yours truly, more likely), I hope this game at least broaden the market and spur the interest of others to fulfil the niche. Personally, it is a debut and a stepping stone to a larger games development project later on, as I gather the much-needed experience.

Development & Technical Background

First, let us get this out of our way — why pink? Well, during the prototype phase, I just absent-mindedly picked a theme from a pastel color swatch, and it stuck through testing until production. It turned out looking decent enough, so I probably wouldn't change it, ever.

Aturkata is developed using web technology stacks (HTML, Javascript), compiled to native mobile app using Capacitor. Technically a web app, Capacitor enables integration with native functions, particularly advertisements (AdMob) and in-app purchasing. Although there are already a lot of game development engines — free or otherwise — available to be utilised, I find that I can quickly get a prototype running using just a browser. With game logic being taken care by Javascript, with HTML and CSS I can immediately get decent looking UI without touching a single graphics editor. After uploading it to a web host, a showcase to select testers can be done in mere minutes. Although I am comfortable with using any programming languages, years of professional experience in full-stack web application development made Javascript easier and much more convenient.

Aturkata uses plain Javascript, with jQuery running the event trigger and UI manipulation. It utilises howler.js for the sound library and since being mostly UI-driven, only plain CSS are used.

Some of the icon designs are gotten from the creative designers at The Noun Project. Sounds are the compliments of Fesliyan Studios and LittleRobotSoundFactory.

Aturkata took four months from ideation to prototype to Google Play Store, but the actual development was only a little less than 4 weeks altogether.

Game Screenshots



Nunito by Vernon Adams


Settings by Roman Vorobiov, from the The Noun Project

back by Landan Lloyd, from The Noun Project

Shopping Cart by Ulrich Pohl, from The Noun Project

Music & Sound Effects

Fesliyan Studios Inc.


Aturkata Privacy Policy (Juniworks Software Solutions) do not collect any personal information from users of Aturkata. However, Aturkata utilises Google AdMob as to incorporate monetization via advertisements. This software may deploy a unique user of device recognition technology for non-personally identifiable information. This information is then used to improve targeting for third party ads that are shown, to make sure that the ads that you see might be relevant or of interest to you. You can view AdMob's privacy policy at